Possessing unique properties, quartzite, unlike many other rocks, does not have a natural background radiation and does not accumulate radiation, ie. E. Quartzite is an environmentally friendly mineral.
Quartzite Pink
+ 38 096 557 35 53
Cubic fraction 4 x 6
Cubic fraction 5 x 10
Cubic fraction 10 x 20
Fraction 5 x 10
Fraction 5 x 25
Fraction 25 x 60
But  ~200 x ~500
  Chemical composition of        quartzites:

SiO2 ..............................95 - 98.2 %
Al2O3 .............................0.5 - 2.8 %
Fe2O3 ............................0.2 - 1.0 %
MnO ...............................0.013 - 0.2 %
CaO ................................0.05 - 0.11 %
TiO2 ................................0.03 - 0.15 %
MgO ................................cледы
P2O5 ...............................0.01 %
SO3 .................................cледы
K2O .................................0.03 - 0.07 %
Radioactivity .....................1 class
Application examples: